Thursday, 15 October 2015

Daniel Assouline, the Former Chairman of UpClick is a Selfless Leader

Any organization is as good as its CEO. A good leader can take an organization to greater heights despite all the odds whereas a poor leader can bring down a flourishing organization to its knees. A leader is responsible for the productivity of his subordinates. Daniel Assouline, the former chairman of UpClick is one such leader who displays the highest level of commitment towards his employees, his business and his clients. Daniel Assouline, the former CEO of Montreal based UpClick uses reason and logic with sufficient measure of empathy and emotion to deal with his subordinates.

Some leaders are simply egoistic and filled with their own sense of self-importance. A grandeur sense of infallibility and entitlement makes them obvious to the realities of the real world. Daniel Assouline, the former Chairman and co-founder of UpClick and CEO of is a leader who always places the interest of his organization, its clients and his subordinates above his own self-interest. 

Daniel Assouline, the CEO of is a visionary leader who understands well that for any organization to survive, the goodwill and patronage of its clients is absolutely necessary. His organization continuously strives to provide service that exceeds the client’s expectations.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Daniel Assouline Montreal – a Pharaoh for Malware Protection

Sometimes in 1999 viruses started showing their menacing face and computer users were in a fix. Sensitive data like personal information was being hacked and stolen. Even teenagers were not spared, in what came to be known as ‘cyber bullying’. There was little or no parental control and teens and preteens were a soft target to cyber bullying as a victim or an instigator. Enter Daniel Assouline Montreal, the then CEO of Lavasoft, who pioneered the anti-spyware software. It retains its leadership position today in the anti-spyware segment. 

The sun rises

There was a big ray of hope for computer users as there was some force to counter viruses and hackers. The spotlight was on the new savior on the horizon – Daniel Assouline. He lived in various countries like Zaire,   France, USA and Mexico, before making Montreal his home.     

There was no looking back, as he is rated today as a topnotch CEO, hungry for results and with passion for performance. One tends to think that his rise to the top must be by adopting ruthless means and a tough task master. Surprisingly, he is just the opposite. A cool dude, like the guy next door. His acute man management skills has stood by him.

Simplicity personified

Feet firmly fixed to the ground. Daniel Assouline Montreal, when asked about his lifestyle preferences, cheekily replied that he enjoys the simple pleasures like of life like reading, eating out and spending quality time with family. Would prefer to go boating to stay away from the phone and internet and spend time with family and friends. Time permitting he will rush to the kitchen to create some new dishes from the recipe books. 

Simplicity is reflected in his management style. Put the right man on the right job, and he is automatically motivated. Never thrust work on you for which you are not suitable. After all it is the people who drive results. 

Daniel Assouline Montreal is a much sought after CEO, known to turn around any company.

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Daniel Assouline Delivered Superior Results for UpClick

Leadership style sets the tone and approach for an organization. Employees will invariably try mimic what is coming from the top.  Daniel Assouline, the former chairman and co-founder of payment processing firm UpClick was a leader who always led by example. A result oriented leader, Daniel was known for making high-quality decisions in a timely manner.

Some of the important leadership traits demonstrated by Daniel Assouline as a leader of UpClick and other organizations he headed are as following:

A strategically focused approach

A modern leader operating in a highly complex business environment needs to be always aware of the bigger picture. It may sound a bit difficult but new age leaders have to be ahead of marketplace demands without losing sight of the current market scenario. 

They need to think ahead of time and must possess the ability to peek into the future. This is important as this quality separates a performer from a non-performer in this age of globalization and cut throat competition. Leaders like Daniel Assouline are successful because they are strategically focussed. They know where they presently stand but importantly they have a firm grip of where they wish to be in future.

Good delegation skills

In order to be successful, leaders need to be very good at delegating. Doing everything, or trying to do everything by yourself can leave you with very little time to develop vision and strategies for your organization. Daniel Assouline, the former CEO of Montreal based was exceptional in getting work done through others. He firmly believed that delegation is of utmost importance if you wish to create an organized and efficient business.

A good sense of humour

Heading a modern business is stressful. Good leaders like Daniel Assouline can make a real difference through their strong sense of humour. They know that morale is linked to productivity and an ability to laugh when things are not going to plan will prove to be immensely beneficial for the organization.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

For Daniel Assouline, Upclick Benchmarked His Leadership Style

For the satisfaction of Daniel Assouline, Upclick is now in the top league as one of the highest converting ecommerce solutions in the market.

For Daniel Assouline of Montreal, this accomplishment was no easy ride. He had to provide the right leadership and his team had to deliver. 

Upclick, a custom ecommerce platform when founded in 2006, was a check out solution that fueled success to an internal software business. Managers looked beyond this success and wanted Upclick to be a full service ecommerce provider for digital media merchants. 

Assouline worked with a mission. He wanted to showcase a payment processing platform that works like a breeze while emphasizing conversion rates and overall cart value.

Happily for Daniel Assouline, Upclick is delivering on its promise and continuing to grow and flourish.

The success of Upclick is a benchmark denoting triumph of leadership qualities of this digital era.

What is it that has made Daniel Assouline of Montreal a true IT leader?

To confront today’s IT challenges, we need exceptional leadership. Assouline had two qualities that made him what he is. 

He had a high level of emotional intelligence that enabled him to know his strength and weaknesses. 
Secondly, he worked through other people, trusted them and delegated important tasks. 

He had other qualities too, and he stoutly depended on his leadership style. Happily, his approach is enabling others to achieve their goals. 

Monday, 16 February 2015

Daniel Assouline – Tackling the Scourge Of Malware

In February 2014, Lavasoft added another feather to its cap. OPSWAT awarded several of the company’s products with OPSWAT certification. 

For those who are not aware, OPSWAT certification verifies that solutions are compatible with leading network and technology solutions. 

For Daniel Assouline, CEO of Lavasoft, this recognition meant his efforts of delivering leading edge tools to fight all types of malware are proving to be fruitful. 

The curse of malware 

With malware growing at a phenomenal rate, cyber thieves are finding a very lucrative opportunity to encroach into people’s PCs to pilfer sensitive information. It is a dangerous situation unless something is done quickly and effectively. 

According to a survey 84 percent of businesses were working on systems that were infected with malware. 

One Information Technology expert was of the view that software companies must spend more time and money on justifiable detection rather than relying on detection that is antiquated and has not been working for years. 

Assouline to the fore 

Here is exactly where Daniel Assouline of Montreal is contributing to the e-commerce world. A strong thrust in e-commerce is not possible unless consumers, merchants, and other agencies are confident that they can work with assurance on their PCs without fear of any malware attack. 

Daniel Assouline understood that from a macro-economic viewpoint the growth of ecommerce is an essential component in increasing national productivity. To bring about a thriving e-commerce market for increasing sales using fewer resources such as labor is essential. 

Assouline is playing a leadership role in tackling data security issues for consumers. With his foresight and IT skills Canadian digital merchants can surely feel secure. 

Monday, 26 January 2015

Daniel Assouline, Montreal CEO: Digital Is the Way to Go

Daniel Assouline, Montreal based CEO, is an inspiration not only for entrepreneurs, but also for everybody related to technology … and there is hardly a soul who is not touched by technology in the modern times. This ex-CEO and co-founder of UpClick emphasizes on becoming tech savvy.

Digitalizing yourselves

He urges people to learn the digital ways, as this is the hot and happening thing of the cyber age. This holds particularly true for people born before the 80s. Often we see senior citizens struggling to operate their cell phones and laptops. Some of them deliberately stay away from owning smart phones, as they are not savvy in using them.

Many people above the age of 50 are still hesitant in using social media. They are still to learn the tricks of the trade of social networking.

Daniel Assouline, Montreal CEO, who has helped develop incredible internet solutions and software is of the view that it is never too late to learn. The requisite is the willingness to learn. You can attain digital proficiency at any age.

Internet success

One of the elements of gaining web success, according to Daniel Assouline, ex-CEO UpClick, is integrating digital technology with business acumen. This does not mean losing the human touch completely. You should achieve a balanced amalgamation of human intelligence and artificial intelligence.

For a company to experience roaring success online or otherwise, it is important for its employees to be digitally competent. At the same time, it is crucial for the employer to cater to the needs and motivation of the employees. Only then can you expect an upward curve in productivity.

Daniel Assouline, Montreal resident and CEO, has vast experience in dealing with digital matters and handling human resources. His inputs are valuable for the company, as a whole, and for an aspiring businessperson, as an individual. 

Monday, 12 January 2015

Creation of Daniel Assouline, Upclick Fueling Canada’s E-growth

In an era that is starved of true leaders, the emergence of Daniel Assouline is godsend to Canada.

He has energized the growth of Canadian e-commerce like no other.

While there is no denying that Canada’s e-commerce growth is satisfactory, there still remain areas for considerable improvement.

Canadians are avid internet users. They consume more online content per capita than any other country in the world. This information is based on a statement made by a President and CEO of a Chamber of Commerce a couple of years ago.

But the most important piece of news is Canadians are among the fastest adopters of smart phones in the world. With nearly 100 percent penetration today, the market potential for e-commerce in Canada is immense.

The following assessment of Daniel Assouline is apt. “Our electronic communication equals mobile communication, which means electronic commerce is at par with mobile commerce”.

“Yet, we need to do more,” says an eminent Canadian economist.

While it is true Canadians are spending more on purchasing via the internet, the majority of buying is disproportionately skewed towards the younger set. According to a report only 8% of Canadian smart phone users above the age of 55 make purchases using their mobiles.

Canadians seem to be poor e-commerce cousins to Americans – especially the senior set.

What could be preventing them?

It is not the urge to buy online that is lacking, but the inertia on how to pay.

Fortunately, for Canadians, the answer is here. As per Daniel Assouline, Upclick is the solution for easy payment processing.

It is the ultimate payment gateway having plenty of merchant friendly features. Online merchants have already declared it to be the most complete payment processing solution in the market.

For Daniel Assouline, Upclick did not mark an end to his endeavors.

In his capacity as CEO of Lavasoft, he has contributed immensely to the Information Technology industry by helping his company craft state-of-the art anti-malware products.

Assouline’s expertise is set to score more wins in the future.